Laura Trueb

Laura Trueb

Strategy Associate

Laura grew up in Zurich with two sisters and a big Swiss mountain dog. After studying economics, she found her purpose in sustainability while on exchange in Sweden (thanks in part to the marvels of the Swedish recycling system).

Her next big adventure? Moving to Sydney to undertake a Master of Environmental Management at UNSW. In her thesis, Laura reviewed the Nagoya Protocol’s effectiveness in preventing biopiracy (taking natural resources without asking Traditional Owners for approval) in Australia, and how benefit-sharing mechanisms with Indigenous peoples could be improved.

Laura is happiest when hiking and camping with her friends in the Australian bush, watching the sunrise over a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

Our team

Heidi Romano  Design Director
Matt Van Someren  Senior Strategy Manager
Dr. Sam McGlennon  Senior Strategy Manager
Dr. Alex Gold  CEO of BWD North America
Jessica Somers  Strategy Associate
Daniel McKenna  Senior Strategy Associate
Yin Duan  Graphic Designer
& Data Visualizer
Nicola Atkin  Senior Strategy Manager
Alana Salcer  Design Director
Ron Ong  Marketing Specialist
Susan Dyster  Senior Strategy Manager
Samantha Pearce  Head of Account Services - Design
Katrina Pitkin  Design Director
Ben Ziser  Head of Strategy
Adam Alexander  Head of Technology
Josue Castro  Senior Strategy Manager
Chin Yee Lam  Head of Data Visualization
Derryn Heilbuth  Executive Chairman
Jim MacDougall  Strategy Associate
Sue White  Finance Manager