Amy Gordon

Amy Gordon


Amy is the work-whisperer: give her a bucket full of half-developed ideas and watch her turn your headache into something to make grandma proud. We put her ability to simplify complexity down to a broad and varied career. After working in publishing for Jamie Durie, she completed a Masters of Fashion Business and Marketing in Italy, before returning to Australia to work as a fashion buyer for David Jones.

Her experience in account management and analytics, coupled with a background in communications and a deep understanding of design, led to her current role as Head of Operations. The ultimate perfectionist, Amy looks after some of our largest clients, running programs and creating new content with awe-inspiring efficiency.

As a mum to three girls seven and under, including twins, her favourite moments are spent with family and friends, preferably at a beach with a cold drink and a packet of salt-and-vinegar chips in hand.

Our team

Susan Dyster  Senior Strategy Manager
Daniel McKenna  Senior Strategy Associate
Chin Yee Lam  Head of Data Visualization
Dr. Sam McGlennon  Senior Strategy Manager
Nicola Atkin  Senior Strategy Manager
Jim MacDougall  Strategy Associate
Sue White  Finance Manager
Jessica Somers  Strategy Associate
Ron Ong  Marketing Specialist
Alana Salcer  Design Director
Derryn Heilbuth  Executive Chairman
Laura Trueb  Strategy Associate
Josue Castro  Senior Strategy Manager
Ben Ziser  Head of Strategy
Dr. Alex Gold  CEO of BWD North America
Adam Alexander  Head of Technology
Katrina Pitkin  Design Director
Heidi Romano  Design Director
Samantha Pearce  Head of Account Services - Design
Yin Duan  Graphic Designer
& Data Visualizer
Matt Van Someren  Senior Strategy Manager