As a long-term investor in Australia’s energy infrastructure, Spark Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in facilitating the nation’s transition to net zero emissions. The business invests in Australia’s key electricity distribution and transmission networks, as well as a growing portfolio of large-scale renewables projects.

Through 2020, Spark Infrastructure engaged BWD on a series of projects designed to:

  • Articulate their purpose and vision; and integrate material environmental, social and governance considerations into their corporate strategy
  • Position them as a key contributor to Australia’s energy network transition
  • Enhance investor confidence in their potential to sustain strong distributions while investing in network growth

In the initial phase, BWD developed a value creation model that specifies how Spark Infrastructure’s business activities deliver positive impact across securityholders, stakeholders, the environment, and innovation outcomes. This also helped the client identify the key contributions made to select UN Sustainable Development Goals and targets.

With the renewed strategy in place, BWD then produced Spark Infrastructure’s 2020 Annual Reporting Suite, including the Annual Report, Sustainability Data Report and Corporate Governance Statement. BWD’s ESG specialists were engaged to:

  • Draft a refreshed editorial section that highlighted the value creation for securityholders and other stakeholders, using the structure provided by its new value creation model
  • Develop key messaging highlighting Spark Infrastructure’s role in Australia’s energy network transition
  • Incorporate messaging explaining the approach to managing regulatory impacts on yields while supporting the required growth of its investment businesses
  • Confirm the validity of ESG data proposed for the 2020 Sustainability Data Report

View the reporting suite →