Jessica Somers

Jessica Somers

Strategy Associate

A storyteller at heart, Jessica’s expertise is helping organizations understand the environmental and social impact of their work in the world. With a firm belief that responsible business should be human and planet-centered, her specialty is conscious and strategic business planning backed by authentic communication.

Based in New York City, she now sits in the New York fashion scene leading sustainability, marketing and communications work globally. Her previous roles in fashion, focused on material impact have equipped her with a full understanding of the value chain, impact measurement and business operations.

Jessica recently completed an 18-month certification at Harvard University’s extension school in sustainability, focusing on business leadership, sustainable economics and the circular economy.

A dual Australian and American citizen, her experience has spanned both continents as well as work in Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East in many different industries.

Our team

Daniel McKenna  Senior Strategy Associate
Nicola Atkin  Senior Strategy Manager
Josue Castro  Senior Strategy Manager
Sue White  Finance Manager
Heidi Romano  Design Director
Ron Ong  Marketing Specialist
Alana Salcer  Design Director
Ben Ziser  Head of Strategy
Susan Dyster  Senior Strategy Manager
Jim MacDougall  Strategy Associate
Chin Yee Lam  Head of Data Visualization
Derryn Heilbuth  Executive Chairman
Katrina Pitkin  Design Director
Samantha Pearce  Head of Account Services - Design
Laura Trueb  Strategy Associate
Adam Alexander  Head of Technology
Matt Van Someren  Senior Strategy Manager
Yin Duan  Graphic Designer
& Data Visualizer
Dr. Sam McGlennon  Senior Strategy Manager
Dr. Alex Gold  CEO of BWD North America