Build a value-creation model

The third of our “Nine Secrets of Integrated Reporting Success”

Eighty-nine percent of global business leaders agree that value creation means more than the creation of financial value alone. But while there’s common agreement on the need to measure and explain non-financial value to stakeholders, few companies understand how do this well.

The answer is the value creation model – a ground-breaking piece of data visualisation (an infographic) that allows you, perhaps for the first time, to visualise the value your business creates for stakeholders. Think of the value creation model as a snapshot of your business model, or more specifically, a visualisation of “the chosen system of inputs, business activities, outputs and outcomes that creates value over the short, medium and long term.”

The value creation model may be hard to execute, but the result will be worth it, though, as shown by the examples below.

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Value creation model - Incitec Pivot
Value creation model - Westpac
Westpac value creation model p1
Value creation model - Westpac
Westpac value creation model p2
Value creation model - Pablo & Rusty's
Pablo & Rusty's value creation model
Value creation model - CLP
CLP Value creation Model p1
Value creation model - CLP
CLP Value creation model p2
Value creation model - a2 Milk
a2 Milk value creation model
Value creation model - Spark
Spark infrastructure value creation model p1
Value creation model - Spark
Spark value creation model
Value creation model - Coca-Cola Amatil
Coca-Cola Amatil value creation model
Value creation model - NWD
NWD ESG Strategy on a page
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