Design for recurring value

The seventh of our “Nine Secrets of Integrated Reporting Success”

Reporting is viewed by many as a compliance exercise – an expensive and time-consuming burden to be addressed at the end of the financial year. This is a mistake. Your integrated report is a golden opportunity to explain where you are as a business – and where you plan to go.

It should contain all the data your team needs to address commonly asked questions from stakeholders, and be the first place you refer people to when they’re looking for more information. In short, a good report brings together all good things you’ve done over the year to meet stakeholder needs and expectations. It’s also a chance to reveal how your current plans and prospects will shape future growth.

An integrated report can deliver a positive ROI, both in terms of financial outlay and time and effort saved. Practically, this means ensuring your report is designed in a way that offers recurring value throughout the year. Infographics, highlights pages, icons, case studies, key take-outs and value creation models should be designed for recurring use in investor presentations, social media, engagement surveys, workshops and web content. And don’t skimp on quality here; you’ll only regret doing so later. As Warren Buffett says, “ price is what you pay, value is what you get.”