Federal Court

Looking to the stars to bring reporting to life

In 2017, the Federal Court, a long-time BWD client, needed a title for their new Digital Court Program. The answer was found in an academic paper on Indigenous astronomy: Iritjinga, or eagle hawk, a star constellation belonging to the Aranda and Luritja Peoples of the Central Desert. BWD was tasked with bringing the idea to life in the annual report.

The solution

In Aboriginal astronomy, not only the brightest stars are grouped together when forming a constellation. Stars are grouped instead to mirror family and social relationships in Aboriginal society. The link was clear – preserving family and social relationships was exactly what the new Digital Court Program (and the courts themselves) were designed for.

The result

BWD was able to take the idea of Iritjinga to create a contemporary, Indigenous-inspired design. The report was so well received that the Federal Court commissioned us to create an artwork for its foyer. The project also shows that corporate reporting doesn’t have to be boring. A good idea, expertly designed, can elevate an annual report to art.

Commissioned services