Brisbane Writers Festival

The big stories and the little ones in between

BWD is proud of its multi-year relationship with the Brisbane Writers Festival (BWF) – Queensland’s premier literary event that welcomes thousands of readers, writers and thought-leaders to ignite imaginations, ask big questions, showcase literature, and celebrate stories in all forms.

Over recent years, we have worked with the CEO, her team and the board to create and deliver strategic plans, brand campaigns and stakeholder engagement strategies that retain the festival’s loyal supporters and establish a foundation for growing new audiences.

Successful festivals know their point of difference and can articulate their offering to stakeholders. With this insight in mind, we partnered with BWF to formulate a 2020-24 strategic plan underpinned by four pillars: create a space for the robust discussion of ideas and reflection on the human condition; stimulate and grow audiences for literature, contribute to Queensland’s cultural life; and build a sustainable model for growth.

Our creative brand campaigns have also received rave reviews from participating novelists and attendees alike. We’ll leave the final word to Alexis Wright, whose critically-acclaimed novel, Carpentaria, headlined the festival and inspired our branding in 2017.

Alexis Wright - Author

"All of these wonderful memories will stay with me forever, and I am very grateful to you and everyone involved for celebrating my book in this way. You have set a new very high standard, and raised the benchmark for writers festivals. And it was just enormous to turn around something else too, by celebrating Aboriginal authors in such a prominent way. I believe that this is most unusual for Brisbane, where I wonder if Aboriginal writers have ever before, been celebrated to this extent."

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