Bribery Prevention Network

Helping corporate Australia tackle bribery and corruption

What happens when the Global Compact Network Australia (the local network of the UN Global Compact), the Australian Federal Police, lawyers, accountants, not-for-profits, industry associations and some of Australia’s largest corporates come together to tackle bribery and corruption? They establish the Bribery Prevention Network (BPN) and launch a website of credible and curated resources to help Australian businesses prevent, detect and address bribery. BWD was honoured to partner with the BPN to build a brand and online hub for this important initiative.

The solution

Working with a committee of representatives from the network’s disparate fields, our initial task was to host a workshop to determine the network’s purpose, vision and positioning. After defining these key attributes, two streams of work were undertaken.

The first was to create a brand that site users could connect with but would also maintain credibility with big business and Government agencies.

The second was to consider the users’ experience of browsing and searching for information, as well as the content managers’ experience of publishing and maintaining resources, to lay the foundations for design and development.

The result

According to key stakeholders, the project achieved its goal of balancing approachability with the gravity of the subject matter perfectly.

Along with logos, iconography and illustrations, a set of brand guidelines was developed to maintain consistency of look and feel into the future.

The website is structured around different user needs to view and navigate the site’s resources in multiple ways. Bespoke content publishing workflows allow the editorial committee to curate resources around niche and specific topics.

View the live site at →

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