Black Dog Institute

Providing peace of mind to those fighting mental illness

Did you know that one in five Australians suffer from mental illness? Worse still, the disease often preys upon the most vulnerable members of our society: the young, the elderly, and those feeling lost or unwanted. We approached the Black Dog Institute to offer our services free of charge. They asked us to help convince potential donors to leave a gift to the Institute in their will.

The solution

In responding to the request, we wrote and designed a direct mail pack that explained how a bequest could bring ‘peace of mind’ to many people: to those fighting inner demons, to the researchers undertaking groundbreaking research into mental illness, and to the donors themselves, who would know they were helping people long after having left this world.

The result

The Black Dog Institute won’t know how effective the campaign has been until those generous enough to donate have passed on. However, several donors have already confirmed they’ve left a bequest to The Black Dog Institute. If you would like to join us in supporting the work of this wonderful organisation, please consider donating here.

The Black Dog Institute also offered the following: “The team at BWD were great to work with. I was impressed at how they took the time to understand our business, the motives for the project and our target market. The outcome of their research was a highly polished and targeted bequest brochure. Their design work was so good we are now using the style ideas in other resources.”

Commissioned services