Australian Energy Market Commission

Keeping the lights on

Keeping the lights on in Australia isn’t easy. Large capital expenditure is required to deliver power to a sprawling population, legislation varies from state to state, and regulators must balance between the cost and reliability of energy on one hand and renewable targets on the other. Australian Energy Market Commission (who sets the rules for the energy market) asked us to develop a microsite to explain how they were addressing these challenges.

The solution

Through a series of workshops and stakeholder interviews, BWD partnered with AEMC to develop a microsite and a series of videos that clarified the issues behind the security, reliability and cost of energy in Australia. Aware of how complex (and controversial) energy policy can be, we focused on explaining the issues in simple language that any stakeholder could understand.

The result

The microsite was launched on 22 November 2017 and received over a thousand visitors in the first three hours. Analysis revealed the majority of viewers were from government and the energy sector. Our explainers were subsequently picked up by a number of media outlets and generated significant in news coverage in the following fortnight.

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